🌟 Week 5: Walk for the Girls in Your Life

Dear GirlTrek Family,

Every single day we get real-time notes from the Field proclaiming how this work is saving lives.

This week the testimony comes from a Black woman working on the front lines in one of the most powerful social justice organizations in the country.

"I am just getting over a cold but I LOVE the Self-Care for Freedom Fighters Walking Challenge. The weekly prompts are a great way to check in with yourself, start the week and I find it very engaging. To be transparent, I did not initiate a digital detox, but I have used the 5 questions from Week 0 as journal prompts to dive deep, and I actually used #5 (What does self-care look like in action...) as the check in question for our Team Huddle last week and the feedback and connectivity was amazing!

I also appreciate that the assignments build from week to week. I totally forgot about dedicating my walk - OMG so powerful, it made me so emotional to be reminded and to recommit connecting the physical and spiritual. I don’t know how or why I fell out of the practice after learning it from GirlTREK during the pandemic, but I absolutely thank you for the reminder. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this coming Monday!

Also, I have been out walking everyday, even with a cold, but what’s better is that my Mom (in Albany, GA) is hooked. Her mood has lifted, and it is amazing to see her putting herself and her health first. She is also increasing her time as she builds strength and stamina, and she is considering allowing my dad to join her on at least one of her walks during the week, but she really has begun to value the walking time, which she reserves as her alone time. I’m so proud of her. I hope to connect this Saturday, now that my cold is on its way out, with the group at Victory Park in Pasadena. I will let you know how it goes!"

You too can have a testimony like this.

Welcome to Week Five of Self-Care for Freedom Fighters. We’re now at the halfway point of this challenge, and it is our mission in this week's assignment to show up for the young girls in our lives because somebody showed up for us.

We are the #daughtersof women who mothered whole communities. Women who nurtured and protected every child that crossed her path no matter who birthed them. Women who showed us that ‘mother’ is a verb.

As we head into Mother’s Day weekend, we are honoring all the ways Black motherhood shows up in our community this week with our self-care mission to raise up the next generation of freedom fighters and pour into five girls in your life.

Your Self-Care Mission:

This week, nurture your relationships with the young girls in your life with intentional acts of love and mindfulness. Your mission is to pour into them as you pour into yourself with daily self-care walks.

Walk and Reflect: Each day, dedicate your walk to a girl in your life that you care about. That’s five girls, five walks. As you walk, think about the women who’ve shown up for you and how that love and guidance has shaped you. Then think about each of these girls and how you can show up for them.

  1. Intentional Acts of Love: Before the end of each day, call the girl you dedicated your walk to and share words of encouragement with her. Tell her, "You are your best thing." Then tell her what you love about her. Tell her how proud you are of the young woman she is becoming. Share some of your self-care secrets and some of the self-care practices you’ve learned on this journey with us. Ask her what she needs to feel safe and loved. 

This Mother's Day weekend, we are activating the 1M+ women of this movement for a mass demonstration. We're asking every woman to dedicate her walk on Saturday to a woman whose footsteps she walks in. Spread the word. Forward this email, or screenshot it and text it to your crew. Let's go hard for our mamas because they go hard for us. 

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