Will you be there?

Will you be there?

Imagine the sun rising over Atlanta, a city alive with Black joy. It’s Spelman and Morehouse homecoming weekend, the streets are filled with music, and we’re coming together for the Sunrise Rally for Joy and Justice. This will be the most powerful gathering we’ve ever hosted—a celebration of everything we’ve built and the unveiling of our new strategy for the future.

It will be the first national in-person event that we've done in nearly two years. If you haven't already RSVPd, do so now. 

We don’t always have the words for it, but there is something sacred, something spiritual when we gather together. Just look at the face of the woman below. Can you feel the freedom that is pulsating through this picture? Know that you’ll step into something just as transformative and powerful. So, if you’ve never experienced GirlTREK in person before, and especially if you are new to the movement, clear your calendar for Saturday, October 26 and meet us in Atlanta!

For the past decade, we’ve been organizing the largest public health movement for Black women. We mobilized one million women to walk and committed ourselves to building a strategy to increase Black women’s life expectancy by 10 years. We listened deeply to women across the country and invested in real solutions. We made strategic sacrifices—stepping away from social media, not organizing some of our biggest events, like the Stress Protest, because we knew the work had to go deeper.

That’s why we kicked off the year with 10 weeks of Self-Care for Freedom Fighters, and now we’re on The Liberation Line, walking every Saturday, week by week, in solidarity.

  • Last week, we walked for Black families. We heard a mother share how being separated from her children for 32 days changed her life forever. You can listen to the call here.

  • Tomorrow, we walk for food justice with Karen Washington and Abra Lee. They’ll guide us in reimagining our food systems and our connection to the land. The number's the same. Dial: (646) 876-9923 Code: 734464325#

  • Next week, we stand in solidarity with survivors of domestic violence with Ujima and The Allstate Foundation. We anticipate a powerful conversation, and this is where you can step up and help us mobilize resources. For every woman who walks a 5K (that’s 3.1 miles) next week, The Allstate Foundation will donate $20 to support Ujima’s work. If you want to be one of those women whose sweat equity helps raise funds for this critical cause, raise your hand to let us know you’re committed. 

All of this is leading us to Atlanta. We don’t care if you have to carpool, sleep on your cousin’s couch, or take a bus down at the last minute—you need to be there. This is your moment to be part of something bigger, to make history, and to celebrate the strength and joy of Black women.

If you believe in us, if you believe in the power of Black women, join us in Atlanta.

In solidarity,

Vanessa (and Morgan)


Her birthday is this weekend
