Your victory is here.

We did it! We’ve reached the end of our 10-week journey of Self-Care for Freedom Fighters, and it’s time to celebrate. Whether you were with us every week, hit a four-week streak, or joined whenever you could, you showed up and made it count. This week is all about gratitude—for the journey we’ve been on, the growth we’ve seen, and the healing we’ve felt in our souls.



Part of a garment that is drawn in or pulled together

Assemble, accumulate

Bring together from scattered places. Draw in. Come together.
Get together.

                      —From Gather, by Octavia Raheem 

This week, gather the women you love and make each of your daily walks a victory lap celebration. Your mission is to walk and talk with five women by the end of the week. Testify to them. Pour into them. Help another Black woman start her healing journey. By the end of the walk, have that women commit to joining us for our Juneteenth Sunrise Walks on Wednesday, June 19th. 

Daily Communion: Each day, walk with a woman you love, either in person or virtually. Share your stories, your victories, and invite her to join us for the Juneteenth Sunrise Walk. Let her feel the strength of our sisterhood.

  • Commit to Participation: By the end of the walk, make sure it’s clear to the woman how she can participate in the Juneteenth Sunrise Walk. This is our responsibility, our tradition, our revolution.

Introducing the Juneteenth Sunrise Walk:

On Wednesday, June 19th, we will rise together at sunrise for the Juneteenth Sunrise Walk. It will be a powerful, public mass demonstration where we reclaim the green spaces of our neighborhoods by taking victory laps in the closest Black park or monument to us. From Los Angeles to Lake Charles, Louisiana, from South Carolina to Soweto, from Galveston to Ghana, Black women will rise together. This collective action marks the beginning of a new phase in our movement. 

How to participate:

  • Find Your Spot: Google the closest Black park or monument in your area. This is about building community in our own neighborhoods. Commit to going to the closest one, not the one you prefer.

  • Wear Your Superhero Blue: Spotting each other in the sea of blue will be a powerful visual of our solidarity. 

  • Take a Sunrise Walk and Victory Lap: On Juneteenth, at sunrise, gather at your chosen location and walk. 

    RSVP here!

Spread the word about the Juneteenth Sunrise Walk. Share this powerful invitation through social media, church bulletins, media, and print—any platform where women can be reached. The link to RSVP is here.

Your testimonies give us life. Whether you completed one week of Self-Care for Freedom Fighters or all ten, we want to hear about your experience. Your feedback will help us measure the impact of this 10-week wellness series and plan future programming. Please complete this survey. It will take less than 5 minutes to complete.


Just Trying To Do The Right Thing


Your invitation to a new era