In Solidarity: Honoring Marian Shields Robinson

Dear Family,

Each Sisterhood Saturday we walk in solidarity with Black women around the world. Today we unite as daughters of a powerful legacy, coming together to walk in solidarity with Mrs. Obama, her daughters and her family to honor Marian Shields Robinson, the beloved mother of our sister, Mrs. Michelle Obama.

We thank Mrs. Obama for sharing her mother with us, a woman whose strength and love we got to bear witness to first hand.

We invite you to join us at 10 AM, ET to walk in honor of Mrs. Robinson, letting the legacy of her life light your way. 

Call (646) 876-9923 (Code 734464325#). 

Forward this email to every woman you know who needs this space, who needs this healing, or who simply wants to be part of something transformative. Tell them: “There’s a place in GirlTREK where you are seen, celebrated, and welcomed. Join us. Your presence is powerful and necessary.”

In sisterhood and solidarity,

The GirlTREK Team

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Washington, DC 20009
United States


Week 9: Nourish Your Temple


It's time for testimony service