Members Only

Dear Members,

Good news, good health, and increase. That is our portion. We will live. Black women will live in this country.

Get out your bullhorns: WE OUTSIDE!!!!

Join us on August 17th for the kickoff of "The Liberation Line," a weekly call and conversation uniting Black women around the world to walk and talk together about the most important issues in our lives. Dial in as you walk in solidarity with a million Black women for joy and justice. This is a space to organize and advance the issues we care about. 

(I left you a voice message, if that's easier.)

That weekend is the Blackest weekend in history. There's some kind of energy that happens that weekend. Google it. Marcus Garvey's birthday, the freedom fight on the Amistad, and Nat Turner's resistance.

We Invite You to Join Us

This is a national roll call—a mass movement. 10 Saturdays. 10 Solidarity Walks. We are inviting powerful voices and leading experts. And we will always open the lines to hear directly from you, the million Black women reading this!  

Together, we will ask:

What do we want?
Who do we want to be?
What is the American dream for us?
How do Black women live longer?
What are the issues we care about?
Who are the experts we learn from?
What actions should 1 million of us support with our solidarity?

Please, Mark Your Calendars

August 17th: Solidarity Walks Start

Call The Liberation Line and walk in solidarity for 10 Saturdays to raise awareness for 10 critical issues that can save our lives. 

We need your help!

  • Send this email to 10 friends and ask them to save the date too.

  • 9AM ET we begin our first walk. (That's 6AM PT for the Westside and the afternoon for The Motherland.) 

More Important Dates

October 14-22nd: Prayer Trek

  • In October, we’ll release a special edition of digital badges for our 9-Day Prayer Trek.

  • We’ll invite powerful faith leaders to pray with us in this moment of collective action.

  • Saints, especially our elders, please walk and pray with us to prepare the way for our National Pep Rally. 

  • For more information please contact

October 26th: National Pep Rally

  • You are invited to the National Pep Rally and Press Conference in Atlanta, Georgia to announce GirlTREK's 10-Year Plan for Joy & Justice. If you are not on the ground, don't worry, we will broadcast live so that you can listen in.  

    • Oct 23-24th: Our movement will be featured on the TEDWomen stage.

    • Oct 25th: Vanessa and I will host a Friday night Wellness Revival for the 50 most powerful freedom fighters in America. Save the date to host your own "Self-Care Salon” with your friends. We will provide a toolkit with activities, recipes, and so much more in the next few weeks. 

October 28th: Black History Boot Camp!

  • It's back by popular demand! Join the award-winning walking podcast, a 21-day walking journey with women around the world as we study the footsteps of our foremothers as our blueprint for liberation. This is physical training and deep inspiration for the work ahead. 

November 5th: Election Day

  • Don't play. You know we're walking to the polls! GirlTREK will mobilize its one million members to vote! Stay tuned to learn how to organize walks and stay safe. 

November 28-30th (Thanksgiving Weekend): Black Family 5K

  • It's a tradition! Thousands of you did it last year! Host a race with your family after Thanksgiving dinner to walk off the peach cobbler and step into a season of abundance, gratitude, and service. Race bibs and shirts are coming soon.

December 1 - January 15: GirlTREK’s Off-Season

  • Our national staff will be resting and practicing self-care. We encourage you to do the same. 

January 18-20th: Live from The National Mall, Washington, DC

  • This MLK Day, our act of service is to walk, witness, and record live from The Presidential Inauguration. 

Run, tell that. 

GirlTREK is saving Black women's lives. 

…and over the next 10 years, we will increase life expectancy by 10 years. 

The time to act is now. 

Set your alarms.

(This is for you Sonya Massey.)

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." — MLK

We are unstoppable. 

Vibrant and victorious.


Morgan and Vanessa




A Heartfelt Message from GirlTrek: We Leave No Sister Behind