A Heartfelt Message from GirlTrek: We Leave No Sister Behind

Pictured: Trekker Sharon and Husband from Texas.

Dear GirlTREK Family,

“Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” — Habakkuk 2:3

We saw this beautiful photo of Sharon from Texas with her husband months ago, but we came back to it today because of this morning’s headlines. News of tech glitches, delayed flights, disruptions across banks, and a chaotic political climate filled our screens. These stories can make us think that technology and systems are what hold our world together. But this image of Sharon reminds us of what truly matters.

Sharon has been a long-term trekker, walking with her family almost since the beginning of GirlTREK. This photo, with its vibrancy, joy, and love, is the movement.

Today, while systems were crashing, countless women got up and walked with their partners, talking about love, romance, and possibility. Mothers walked with their daughters, discussing family and legacy. Families walked together across generations, deepening their bonds. Women walked with their friends, prayed together, or found peace in their solitary steps. This is the heart of GirlTREK—real human connections that ground us in uncertain times.

Our innovation has always been about fostering these connections.

These connections are the foundation of the mobile app we are building.

On Juneteenth, a day symbolizing freedom, we released a beta version of the GirlTREK Underground - our app, accessible to our iPhone users. We called on some Harriet's to join us, provide feedback, and help us shape this tool. They did, echoing Harriet Tubman’s legacy of building networks of freedom seekers.

Harriet Tubman’s journey was never straightforward. She faced delays, had to reroute, and relied on a community of abolitionists. In her spirit, we have been working with the Google Play Store and understand the frustration of our Android users who haven’t been able to access the app. Liberation requires a community, and our community includes the Google Play Store, with whom we are collaborating closely. Delay is not denial.

Our Trek Code is to leave no sister behind. Because of this, we won't release major new features until we can ensure that every woman, regardless of her device, can join us at the start of this journey. We are committed to making the app available to everyone by September to coincide with a major rollout of fall campaigns, including your faves, The Prayer Trek and Black Family 5k.

In the meantime, here is the antidote to the chaos of today’s news and world. A recent episode of the 10% Happier podcast, where GirlTREK’s cofounder T. Morgan Dixon was in conversation with GirlTREK’s board member Dr. Gary Bennett, Dean of Trinity College, Duke University. It’s a powerful conversation about our mission, our journey, and the impact we are making together. You can listen to it here.

In love and solidarity,

Vanessa (Morgan & the GirlTREK team)


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When walking is resistance